The restricted competition for urban and architectural design will be implemented within the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF-IPF3) Technical assistance to the Project of Urban Regeneration of Housing Settlement in Dositejeva Street in Kraljevo, in cooperation with the City of Kraljevo, Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia and the Union of Architects of Serbia.



The Project is aimed at providing compensatory new housing solutions to the homeowners whose dwellings were damaged by the earthquake that hit Kraljevo in November 2010. The Project includes the demolishment of 21 existing and the construction of 4 or more multi-storey buildings in one part of the location, with total of 360 apartments of approximately 17,000m² net usage area to resettle the tenants currently living in the settlement. Current tenants having the right of use will be resettled into housing units in municipal ownership. The first phase, which is the subject of this Project, involves landscape works on the whole location and construction of infrastructure as well.

The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure (MCTI) has designated the City of Kraljevo for the management of the Project, and the Republic Housing Agency (RHA) responsible for monitoring and finance administration at republic level. WBIF-IPF3, as Technical Assistance, is coordinating all phases of the project.

To finance the project, the Republic of Serbia takes a loan from the Council of Europe Development Bank and places the investment through MCTI which will transfer the money to the City of Kraljevo as a grant.

As the support to this investment, the EU fund Western Balkans Infrastructure Project Facility, Technical Assistance Window (WBIPF TA) implements the technical support to the Project, including the provision of project documentation among other. The aforementioned competition is a part of the agreed procedure.



The scope of the competition is an urban design solution for a land lot of 3.4 hectares and it refers to the territory on which apartment buildings will be built, also a subject of an architectural design competition (4 or more buildings with gross floor area of about 17,000m2). A preliminary conceptual design should include elaboration on landscaping for this part of the territory.

The idea under the restricted competition for urban and architectural design is to award the first prize in the form of a contract for the development of complete design documentation for construction, under the contractual terms known in advance.

The investor and IPF Technical Assistance to the Project will select 8 studios/companies and invite them to participate in the restricted anonymous competition for urban and architectural design. All invited (8 participants/teams) to the competition will receive equivalent compensation to cover the project preparation expenses, regardless of the first prize, if they meet the rules of the competition, of the gross amount of 2,000 Euros. Technical Assistance Project as an EU grant is exempted from VAT.

The jury will have 7 members consisting of representatives of the City of Kraljevo, MCTI, IPF3 Technical Assistance Team and UAS.

The restricted competition will be implemented in the period from mid-July to mid-September 2015, while a conclusion of contract for design is expected by mid-October 2015.



Preconditions to be met by a company or consortium:

  • Main designs by which a minimum of 3 buildings are completed in total area of more than 8,000m2 (in last 10 years, applicable to consortium),
  • Valid Partnership Agreement between the leading company and co-operators for the joint development of the design documentation for the Project of Urban Regeneration of Housing Settlement in Dositejeva street in Kraljevo as an evidence of cooperation in this particular job.

To enter the pre-qualification process, the interested companies should submit:

  1. Letter of Intent, including basic information on the company and statement weather it applies on its own or in partnership; in case of partnership name of leading and other partnership members, the name of the responsible person for the Project and contacts. (In case the company doesn’t have all the needed licensed designers, it will submit a Partnership Agreement)
  2. The Partnership Agreement concluded for the joint development of design documentation for the Project of Urban Regeneration of Housing Settlement in Dositejeva street in Kraljevo, in case of several companies competing together. Partnership Agreement (showing % of participation) must be signed by the partnership members and sealed. Exceptionally, contract signed for this Project specifically with licensed designers, could be taken into consideration.
  3. Basic information on the company to be the job holder: date of establishment, number of employees, annual financial statement for 2013 and 2012.
  4. List of the most important references of the company or a leading architect:
    • Awards and prizes in last 10 years,
    • Main designs of buildings completed in last 10 years. References should include title and location, gross area, investor and construction date.
    • Designs in the field of housing and social housing in last 10 years (completed and projects). References should include title and location, gross area, investor and construction date, and photos in case the building is completed.
  5. Professional resumes (CVs) of responsible/leading designers of: architecture, structures, water and sewage, HVAC, high and low voltage services, fire protection and energy efficiency.

The stated documentation shall be submitted in electronic form as single PDF file. The Letter of Intent with the basic information and the CVs of the lead designers shall be written in English, while other documentation should be in Serbian. The Partnership Agreement shall be submitted as a scanned document.

The documentation shall be submitted by Monday 6 July 2015 to the following email addresses:
cc: and



The investor, IPF Technical Assistance to the Project, will decide on the selection of 8 participants/teams based on the following criteria:

  • References of main designs by which buildings have been completed,
  • References of all designs in the field of housing, especially social housing,
  • References of leading architects.


The call is open to all interested companies and is published on websites of UAS and DAB, the Project webpage and City of Kraljevo webpage on 25 June 2015.