For Construction of a building with 106 apartments related to the Post-earthquake Housing Reconstruction Project, Phase 1 in Kraljevo, Serbia
Reference number: 404-02-64/2017-02 of 10 April 2017
Planned Activities:
This contract is related to the Phase 1 of the Project and it consists of the following:
- Construction works, include all necessary construction, mechanical and electrical services and finishing for one housing block with two entrances, with total of 106 apartments, size between 27 m2 and 112 m2 and common premises, with a total of 6,874 m2 gross floor area in Kraljevo.
- The foreseen construction period is expected not to exceed 18 months starting from November 2017
Project Description:
The Republic of Serbia and the City of Kraljevo, in cooperation with the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) finance the Post-earthquake Housing Reconstruction in Kraljevo, The entire Project consist of demolition of 21 existing buildings and construction of 4 new eight-floors buildings in the urban housing estate in Dositejeva street in Kraljevo. The Project is to be used for re-housing of 366 homeowners and social housing tenants whose dwellings were irreparably damaged by the November 2010 earthquake which hit the City of Kraljevo and central parts of Serbia. The project will be implemented in 3 subsequent phases.
This invitation is related only to the Phase 1.
The criterion to be used in the tender evaluation is the lowest price of the compliant and technically responsive tender.
Submittal deadline:
The offers must be submitted latest by Wednesday 16 August 2017 in the office of:
Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure
VIII floor, office No 35
Nemanjina 22-28
11000 Beograd
Tel: +381 11 362 2271
The contractor will be selected by Public Procurement Committee consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the City of Kraljevo.
The works will be implemented as per the FIDIC MDB Harmonized Construction Contract General Conditions.
The bidding will be conducted through the international competitive bidding procedures specified in the CEB Guidelines for Procurement of Supply, Works and Services, version September 2011. It is open to bidders from all countries and in line with the a.m. guidelines.
Bid security guarantee: 30,000 EUR
The tender documents and information can be obtained:
- By electronic mail, requested to: or
- In the office:
Post-earthquake Housing Reconstruction in Kraljevo Technical Assistance
Mott MacDonald IPF Consortium,
Knjeginje Zorke 2/1st floor
11000 Beograd,
with mandatory prior announcement of the visit by e-mail or telephone to the person in charge: Mr Djordje Mojovic, (+381 63 1028312)