Project ManagementUnit (PMU) is the responsible manager of the Project established by the City of Kraljevo.
The PMU is responsible for the coordination and technical assistance in preparation of technical documentation and official determination of existing apartments’ size and structure, support in beneficiaries’ participation in Project, organization of competition for urban and architectural design, organization of procurements and contracting of services and works related to the Project, financial and progress reports, preparations of all necessary documents required for agrements and contracts, coordination of all participants at local level, preparation of loan tranche requests etc.
One of the most important activity and responsibility of the PMU in the Project implementation is to facilitate communication with and participation of final beneficiaries in the Project. Proper informing of final beneficiaries on their rights and obligations related to the Project, as well as about the benefits, may be essential for the successful implementation of the Project.
In order to achieve the objectives of the Project, and given the large number of beneficiary households, PMU has helped and initiated the election of final beneficiaries’ representative bodies, establishment of internal communication lines and their involvement in the activities of the Info Desk.